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  • How long have you been doing what you do and how did you get started?
    See the About Dr Kate section on the Home page for more info about Kate.
  • What kinds of clients do you work with?
    Kate specialises in helping the growing population of individuals struggling with chronic illness and/or unexplained symptoms that diminish quality of life. She is on a mission to help people find the root cause/s of their symptoms and finally feel better. Recently Kate has mostly focused on helping those suffering from CIRS/Mould Illness. Also see the Services page....
  • How are you different from other Health Practitioners?
    The main thing that sets Kate apart from other practitioners is that she ONLY works with individuals who struggle with chronic illnesses like mould illness/CIRS and autoimmunity. In other words, she's not a Jill-of-all-trades practitioner. Kate refers clients who do not have these health challenges to her amazing referral partner who specialises in helping generally well clients get fitter, eat better to support athletic performance and/or weight loss, and work on any other general health-related habits. What that means for you is that she is very focused on anything and everything that works for the individual who struggles with inflammatory chronic illness. Because Kate's focus is very narrow and she has personal experience overcoming these challenges, what you get with her is a deep level of expertise on what works to resolve the symptoms of chronic illness (or at least to minimise and manage, depending on the condition we’re talking about!). Kate has become an expert on this topic and that’s why her clients get great results that they are thrilled with - and you have a lot of fun along the way :-) Another way Kate differs from most other providers is that she practices functionally, which is a revolutionary way of looking at diet and lifestyle that truly treats you as an individual and works with your unique needs to help you improve your health. Kate works within the principles of Functional Medicine, but with a dedicated perspective on the diet and lifestyle modification upon which those principles rely for their success (and yours). Rather than trying to fit your symptoms into a one-size-fits-all formula, Kate takes the time to get to know what is really going on in YOUR body and YOUR life.
  • What exactly is your system and what does it include?
    See the Services page to find out more about Kate's systems and inclusions.
  • Can you prescribe medication?
    As a nutrition and lifestyle professional, it is outside Kate's scope of practice to diagnose conditions or prescribe medication. Kate will, however, work with other medical practitioners to bring her perspective and recommendations forward when appropriate (and some of those practitioners may be able to prescribe).
  • Can I order supplements from you?
    Not directly, no. But Kate does prescribe natural medications and supplements via Natural Script, FxMed and NutriSearch, and you are always encouraged to share these recommendations with your GP for comment. Kate can also offer a 5-15% discount on iHerb products with the coupon code TSL887 and 10% off NourishMe Organics products using this purchase link and the discount code nourishme.
  • What if I just need to lose a few kilos – should I move forward with your services?
    Kate has learned during her time in practice that she can best serve people who have a health condition, unexplained symptoms or are working to make big changes in their life. However, she's also aware that there is often an underlying health issue contributing to stubborn extra weight or a health issue that is directly correlated with being overweight (e.g. insulin resistance, diabetes, mould illness, autoimmunity). In these cases you should definitely book a free Discovery Call to discuss your needs. If you are simply looking to shed a few kilos or improve athletic performance, then please contact Kate via email at and she can refer you on to a Health Coach that is more suited to your needs. You may also benefit from doing her Inflammation Transformation 3-week Cleanse as a dietary reset protocol, so go to the webpage or email Kate for more info if this sounds like something you might be interested in.
  • Do I need to be in Sydney to work with you?
    HHANC is a fully virtual practice. This means that you can meet with Kate via Zoom from anywhere in the world. If you've signed up for a program, you will also have access to Kate via email/text between appointments. While this may be a new way of working for you, Kate has found that most clients grow to love the ease and convenience of having one less appointment to travel to. It’s amazing what a deep relationship can be built through these methods of communication and Kate has worked hard to hone her skills to connect with you.
  • Who do these programs NOT work for?
    Since most clients sign up for one of the longer-term programs, there are limits to the number of new clients Kate can accept per month. This unfortunately means (gently) turning away people who aren’t suited to HHANC's services and won’t get the results they would have invested in. ​ Kate's services are NOT for those who aren’t ready to commit to their transformation, and they are NOT for those who just want a list of “eat this, not that”. Another kind of person Kate won’t work with is the chronic sceptic, as well as individuals who consistently don’t show up to sessions or make excuses in order to keep putting themselves and their health last on the list of priorities.
  • What results can I expect?
    The goal is to get you feeling better than when we started, and in most cases you can expect to have many symptoms fade or in the best case scenarios, completely resolve. Chronic illness is a complex beast though, culminating after years of dysfunction bubbling away under the surface. This means the solutions are also often complex and only work if applied over time. What Kate can guarantee is that she will address the physiological terrain in which dysfunction developed by “clearing the muddy waters” using the five pillars of wellness – nutrition, sleep, movement, resilience and relationships - while also diving deeper into such areas as gut health, nervous system support and detoxification.
  • What type of personality do you work best with and what is expected of me?
    Kate is committed to working with individuals who are dedicated to their health and ready to receive support on their individualized journey to wellness and healing. You are expected to show up for yourself and wholeheartedly commit to the process of discovery and recovery. Be prepared to step out of your comfort zone, but know that Kate will always work with you and what fits within your lifestyle. This is all about you and the resolution of your pain points, not about Kate pushing ideas that are not sustainable for you.
  • Does this really work?
    Yes! Be sure to read the testimonials page. Also check out Kate's Google reviews, Facebook reviews and Bark reviews.
  • Although I want to sign up for a program, I don’t have much time to spare. How much time do I need?
    Within programs, sessions are generally 60-minutes long and scheduled monthly or bi-monthly. Sometimes when you're further into a 6-month or 12-month program it may be appropriate to schedule 30-minute sessions instead, but that really depends on the client and their needs. Outside of the formal sessions, it’s difficult to quantify the amount of extra time you’ll need to spend on health-related activities. It really depends on your starting point. For example, if you currently eat fast food at every meal then yes, you will likely need to spend significantly more time on prepping and cooking food. However, if you already cook most meals at home then it will simply be about shopping for healthier options, without any extra time for prepping and cooking. The same goes for other lifestyle changes – it really depends how much work you need to do!
  • Is your service covered by Medicare or health insurance?
    Like many functional medicine/nutrition practices, the Holistic Health & Nutrition Clinic’s services are an out-of-pocket expense. Kate is unable to provide insurance billing codes or Medicare numbers because it is outside her scope of practice as a holistic healthcare provider.
  • Will I recover the investment I put into your services?
    If you add up everything you’ve spent over the years on diets and exercise and all the ways you’ve tried to be healthier, how much would that be? If things don’t change, how much will you spend in the coming years searching for a solution? ​ For most of Kate's clients, the answer to both questions is A LOT. I want you to stop reading for just one moment to ask yourself, “What is a new relationship to food and health worth to me? What is feeling better worth to me?” The information and skills you learn, and the personal transformation you make with Kate will be with you forever, transforming your health and your life in so many ways.


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